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Who Need to File Income Tax?

Wording do you need to file income tax with a calculator and a pen by the side.

For this post, I will be sharing who needs to register and submit income tax.

In other words, how much is the annual salary range that requires you to register your income tax in Malaysia?

April will be a busy month for Malaysian taxpayers.

It is the month where Malaysian tax-payers submit their personal income tax to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB). Or, locally known as Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN).

The due date is on 30th April.

Who needs to file income tax?

I believe there is still a lot of us who are unsure whether we need to file our income tax to IRB or not.

Why did I say so?

Because I still have people around me asking whether they need to submit their income tax or not.

Also, there are still people calling the station and asking what is the salary range required for tax submission.

On the Internet, there are also still questions on whether they are liable to submit their income tax or not.

For a complete answer, you may refer to the details on the IRB website. The IRB provides clear details on who and when is taxable.

Anyway, do bear in mind that when you submit your income tax, it does not means that you need to pay income tax.

Because, along with the income tax submission, you got to enjoy tax relief. And you only need to pay income tax based on the final calculation.

Final thoughts

So, if you are a Malaysian, staying in Malaysia and have an annual of RM35,000 (after EPF deduction), you are liable to submit your income tax.

Lastly, I hope my sharing here is able to clear your doubts on who needs to register and submit income tax.

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