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Can We Control Price Hike?

light blue wording 'consumer dollars rule the food system'.

Last week, one of the hot topics discussed was the rising cost of living in Malaysia. Many complain about the price hike in goods and services. Some of these price hikes are really unreasonable.

There is news about milo iced sold at RM4.20 at a food court locally in Kuching. The question is, can we do something to control these price hikes?

Yes, we can.

Because as a consumer, we are the one who determines the price of the goods and services offered.

According to my relatives in Taiwan, most businesses are providing a reasonable price now because they have to fight for the market share. If the price is above average, most probably, this shop will be handling fewer and fewer customers.

Other than the reasonable price, they also provide friendly and excellent customer service to all customers, hoping that the customer will come back for more.

Smart consumer to control price hike

Here in Malaysia, I didn’t see this yet, or at least in Kuching. What I see is that businesses keep increasing their prices and customer still come back to them, even with poor quality of service.

I think it’s time for all of us, to learn to become smart consumers. Try not to encourage businesses to increase their price.

We must learn to create a situation whereby businesses are trying hard to earn our money. We need to create a competitive market for them. And we must make them come out with excellent customer service if they wish to have repeated sales from us.

As a consumer, we are the one who will decide the market price, not those greedy business owners. But, we can only do this if most of the consumers are smart enough when making their purchases.

I don’t think there will be any business that can survive without a customer.

From today onwards, we must make smart choices in our purchases and daily life. We can’t keep complaining about the price hike and still continue to support these greedy business owners.

We need to adjust our own lifestyle and sacrifice here and there if necessary.

So, Yes, we can control the price hike.

photo credit: Sustainable Economies Law Center IMG_9612 via photopin (license)

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