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Technology Killing Work Opportunities

a girl using smart phone and laptop as example of technology killing work opportunities.

These few days, I was thinking about whether technology is killing work opportunities.

Why did I have that thought?

I noticed that In recent years, more and more transaction goes online. Such as:

Twenty years ago, we would need to queue and get a number before we can deposit our cash or before we can get our air ticket.

Nowadays, we can deposit our cash either through the machine or with just a few clicks. No more queue. And much less human touch.

Also noticed that more and more local financial institutions are merging up. After merging up, relocation of outlets will happen.

Some less important outlets will be closed down. And the staff relocated or offered MSS or VSS. Headcount freeze. The existing employee will need to take up multiple roles and be encouraged to multitask.

Technology killing work opportunities?

The technology that we have today are making our life much more convenient and simpler. But, at the same time, it is also killing work opportunities.

In the near future, companies will only need to employ a few employees for monitoring all the technology automation.

I start to wonder. What will happen when my baby is ready to join the workforce?

Can we stop all these? No. There’s no way we can stop all these from happening. Instead, things will move faster and faster every day.

It is time for us to find a balance between all these. And I better start telling my baby not to join the workforce but instead, to create a workforce.

Final thoughts

So, what do you think?

Does technology killing work opportunities? Feel free to share your comment below.

Read more: 10 reasons why we must have multiple sources of income

photo credit: wuestenigel Girl using smartphone in a cafe, laptop in the background via photopin (license)

4 thoughts on “Technology Killing Work Opportunities”

  1. Hello there.. I must apologize for long delay.. your message accidentally went to 'spam'. Only saw it when I was cleaning my spam messages. Thank you for your comment 🙂 The theme is by blogger. You can get the details when you scroll down to the bottom of my blog.

  2. Being an IT person myself, we also have to change throughout the years due to technological innovations ..this affects everyone and everyone becoming smarter / faster/ more intelligent etc.
    We should take this in a positive way – eg now we can make money via online surveys, work as VA etc.

    1. They say ‘Change is the only Constant thing’. Just that recent years, technology changes too fast. Like what you said, we need to take it positively and ride on the waves.

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