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4 thoughts on “Blog”

  1. Hi sister!
    I came across your blog while searching for personal finance in Malaysia…I will be pleased if we can interact or even co-operate with one another..?

    1. Hi Lock, great blog you have there ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, sure, would be happy to share knowledge with you and with our readers too. Keep up the good work! By the way, sorry for late reply because your comments accidentally went to my ‘Spam Comment’ ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Dear Michelle,

    I’m looking for EPF Calculator which can calculate our Yearly, 5 years later and Specified Years Balance after pluses in Yearly Dividend and Withdrawal being made. I had tried searching online but the one that I found was on a 1-year basis only. Would appreciate it if we can work together to create it.
    Thanking You In Advance.

    Edson Sin

    1. Hi Edson,

      For the EPF Calculator based on your description, I suggest you contact EPF so that the EPF team can consider including the features/tools on the EPF website or i-Akaun. I believe the calculator can help us to better plan for our retirement.

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