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Contact Me

For enquiries including collaboration, feel free to contact me at yan6500 [at] Gmail [dot] com.

Or, you may leave your comment below and I shall get back to you soonest possible.

Thank you.

12 thoughts on “Contact Me”

  1. Hi Michelle,

    My name is Albert. I am from StashAway, a robo-advisor/digital wealth manager which has been launched in SG and we will be publicly launching in MY very soon. I came across your blog via comparehero’s recent post and found your articles to be very relevant especially for our target audience. Would you been keen to meet up so that we can further share on our background?

    Here’s our website link for more info: http://www.stashaway.my

    Additionally here’s an article from the Edge about us: http://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/stashaway-launches-roboadvisor-services-malaysia


  2. Hi Michelle,

    I’ve recently came across your blog on StashAway and I’m pretty interested in trying it out. What’s you current reviews on it though? Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Carmen, Thank you for your comment. After about 3 months, I saw ‘Total returns’ of between 3.5% to 4.7% for my investment of RM1000. I am planning to top up the investment soon. I shall update with a new post once I’ve top-up my Stashaway investment.

  3. Hi,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I want to contribute a guest post article to your website that may interest your readers.

    It would be of high quality and free of cost. You can choose the topic of the article from the topic ideas that I’ll send you in my next email once you approve this offer.

    Please note that I will need you to give me a backlink within the guest post article.

    Please let me know if I shall send over some amazing topic ideas?


    Bella Roy

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