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I Started My First PRS Investment

4 nest eggs as an example of Private Retirement Scheme.

For this post, I will be sharing my first Private Retirement Scheme or also known as PRS investment.

I started my first PRS investment

By now, I believe most of us, the wage earners in Malaysia had heard of Private Retirement Scheme or PRS investment.

In December 2013, I started my first PRS investment. I have 2 consultants from different firms who had shared their PRS funds with me earlier.

After much consideration, I decided to invest in PRS funds managed by Manulife. The main reason for me to sign up for Manulife PRS instead of the other provider is because the Manulife PRS consultant came at the right time.

Just a few days before 31 December 2013, she shared about the RM,3000 as tax relief. Due to nearing the end of the 2013 financial year, I quickly took the courage to sign up for the scheme.

Besides, she is very consistent and had shown professionalism in my previous dealings with her. By the way, I also had other investments with her. So, I feel quite comfortable with her style.

How to sign up for PRS?

As for the signup process, it is quite simple and fast. Upon filling up the forms and answering a few questionnaires, the fund which is compatible with my risk appetite is Manulife PRS Growth Fund.

Actually, since early 2013, I had done some reading about the scheme. So, I roughly had some idea about the scheme. Perhaps, you can read my post on the reasons why I invested in Private Retirement Scheme.

If you wish to know more about the private retirement scheme, I suggest you read about it on the website below:

In fact, I highly recommend you to read the above before you start your investment in this scheme.

Final thoughts

If you have started your PRS investment, do share with me which fund you are investing in. And perhaps share with me whether you are happy with the return on investment.

Lastly, feel free to drop your comment below.

Read more: How to top up Manulife PRS investment through online banking

photo credit: scottwills via photopincc

0 thoughts on “I Started My First PRS Investment”

  1. Hullo Yan!
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  2. Thanks you Zara, for your reply ๐Ÿ™‚ I've replied in your beautiful blog ๐Ÿ™‚

    My blogs consist mostly of my own experience, sharing on financial management matter and sometimes 'some out of the topic' posts :p

  3. Hi, I hv bought in 2 PRS in 2012 and 2013 respectively, which are Kenanga Conservative fund and Kenanga Moderate fund which is giving me about 5% return. I would like to welcome you to my blog also.

  4. Hi ck5354, thanks for dropping by.. wow.. you're among those early birds for PRS.. 5% return is quite good.. and i've checked your blog too. very informative.. let's keep sharing.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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