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Does Money Bring Happiness?

Does money bring happiness?

Let’s read my thought about this topic.

Does money bring happiness?

If anyone would say “Money does not bring happiness“, I would say “You are lying!” or “Give me all your money“.

Today, in our modern world, towards a certain point, money does bring happiness to us.

Why did I say so? Consider some of the examples below:

  • Can you bring food on the table without money?
  • Will you be happy without proper shelter for your loved ones?
  • Can you walk to the office without paying for your car or using other transportation methods?
  • How about reading a blog without a computer or without your service provider?
  • Do you know that an IVF treatment requires more than RM13,000 for one cycle?

It is impossible to do all these without money, right?

Money provides us with:

  • a comfortable shelter
  • healthy and nutritious food and proper clothes for us and our loved ones
  • a good education for our children
  • some other luxuries which are now our necessity – a computer with a fast Internet connection, a plasma TV with at least 50 channels? a fully air-cond home, a nice car and many more
  • an opportunity to have our own children for couples with infertility issue, like my husband and I

All these do bring happiness to us.

Is more money mean more happiness?

But, more money does not necessarily mean more happiness. Instead, it might have a reverse effect.

Because the love for money might cause us to drift away from pure happiness, enlarging the gap between us and happiness.

Therefore, we must be able to control the greed of money from destroying the happiness that money can bring to us. So, we must appreciate and value money as an item that can make our life much richer and meaningful.

Final thoughts

Thus, we must learn to manage and shape our financial future.

And do not let money lead us through our life.

Instead, we must lead our life with money as one of the tools to make our life to be more meaningful.

0 thoughts on “Does Money Bring Happiness?”

  1. I read robert kiyosaki's book and he mentioned about something about loving money, it sounds like this: "It's foolish when ppl say money is not important or money is evil. Well i think life is most important of all, but money is important to support life. That's why i don't want to spend all my life working for money instead i want money to work for me, so i can ultimately enjoy my life". I think it's so true.

  2. Hi Zen, yes… money is important as it supports us. unless, we are using barter trade system.. Balance life is important as well 🙂

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