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Money Fight in Family

If you watch Hong Kong or Singapore or Malaysian Chinese drama, money fight is one of the main themes of the drama.

In fact, money fight is one of the popular topics when I overheard some aunties’ or uncles’ conversations at hair salons or cafes. Well, mostly are juicy gossips on other families’ internal fighting over the parent’s money and inheritance.

I have seen siblings hurt each other physically and emotionally over their parent’s inheritance. They quarrel, curse and almost slash their brother.

It’s too sensitive and it’s never a fair deal when coming to wealth inheritance.

In cases where the siblings bring their own lawyer, the thing becomes worse. The fighting becomes longer, more expensive and more intense, leaving unhealed wounds and causing families to separate.

Unfortunately, in most cases, no one wins. The lawyers are the ones who profit from the family fights.

It is sad to see wealth accumulated by hardworking parents ruins by their own children. The wealth is supposed to enhance their children life making them blind and fighting among themselves.

Is it worth it?

No, not at all.

Let us ponder on this and guide ourselves and our young generations to be wiser when handling an inheritance. Let us teach them the value of family relationships which cannot be bought with any amount of wealth.

P/S: To the Chinese, I apologise for using us (the Chinese) like the example above. It’s just that I feel family fighting over money is stronger in the Chinese family. But, I do believe it happened everywhere and to anyone…

4 thoughts on “Money Fight in Family”

  1. This is very common in the modern era. Sometimes when the cake is so big, everybody just wants it all. The lucky thing I am that kind of easy-going kind of person.

    My sister and I wouldn't quarrel on money matters. If daddy gives more to sister, I would just smile and laugh upon it. What's the point quarrelling because of that paper with the people you love right?

  2. KI, not many think like you …. your are lucky coz only 2 of you. there are so many families out there had broken relationship because of $. wish that more can think 'beyond money'…

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