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The Tough Side of Doing SALES

A group of 4 corporate workers cracking their head and looking on a blank white paper.

In my earlier post in July this year, I shared about 7 Reasons Why You Should Consider the Sales Profession.

I think it will be unfair if I only share the good part and exclude the tough part of doing sales. So, in this post, I share my thought on the tough side of doing sales:

What is the tough side of doing sales?

To start with, I have been in the sales line since 2011. To be exact, that is about 6 years of sales experience. So, I guess I have enough experiences to share my thought on the tough side of doing sales.

In my opinion, these are the tough side of doing sales:

1. Meeting sales target

I guess this is the part that drives most people away from the sales profession -the pressure of achieving the sales target. Yes, a salesperson needs to achieve the allocated sales target, no matter what.

This is also one of the aspects that makes the sales profession different from other professions. Because of this target, those in the sales profession had to crack their brains to find ways to achieve their sales target.

Along the way, they learn new things too.

2. Need to have a thick-skinned

In the sales line, one must have some level of thick skin. Because it is common to expect more than 50% of rejections in sales especially in the first approach.

One must take the initiative to start the conversation and be approachable. And one must be able to take and handle criticism professionally.

Thus, among the attitude of a successful salesperson would be someone who takes rejections positively.

3. The sandwich situation

As sales personnel, one becomes a representative of the company. Once the deal is successful, the sales personnel become the middle person between the company and the customer.

If everything is smooth, then there is not much problem.

But, when a problem arises, in which in most cases, problems do happen, then the sales personnel is in a sandwich situation.

Therefore, sales personnel must be smart to handle both situations smartly as both are equally important.

4. Be prepared for multi-tasking

In one day, a salesperson must be prepared to make cold calls, arrange appointments, meet up with prospects, receiving complaints and inquiries either by phone, email, fax or SMS and attending to all these complaints and inquiries.

At the same time, he must be prepared to have a meeting with his colleagues, his superiors and other team members to solve his clients’ complaints and inquiries.

Not forgetting, to be responsible for his client’s payment records and his daily, weekly, quarterly or yearly reports as well.

One of my bosses said, being a salesperson means that we’re a small boss taking care of our own small business.

5. Overcoming the bad-label of a typical salesperson

In some office doors, you will see a ‘No Salesman Allow’ signboard. This show that, most people still have a negative thought about the salesperson.

Perhaps they have had a bad experience with some sweet-talking salesman.

So, I find that it is quite challenging to change the prospect’s perceptions of a salesperson.

It is not easy.

Prospects always have this feeling that the salesperson always gives empty promises or over-promises.

So, in order to overcome this, a good salesperson will always think about the benefits of her clients and at the same time, the company is acceptable with the benefits.

In other words, a win-win situation for both the company and clients.

Final thoughts

The above is my thought on some of the tough sides of the sales profession.

Perhaps it is different from one company to another and it also depends on the industry you’re working with. If you have more to share, feel free to comment below.

Read more: Why do employees leaving the corporate world?

photo credit: inertia_tw via photopin cc

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