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Another Get Rich Quick Scheme?

Cash and coins burning show the impact of get rich quick scheme.

There are so many get rich quick schemes out there.

But, no matter how bad the reputation of these schemes, many are still attracted to them.

Another get rich quick scheme

Recently my hubby has been invited by his friend to attend a sharing session on ‘high returned investment’.

Earlier, the friend had shared with hubby that he had started earning good money since joining the program about 2 months ago.

Out of curiosity, my hubby attended the sharing session.

Hubby said the turned out was so good and the sharing session was very interesting. Most of the speakers are ‘millionaires’ now.

More downlines, more money

But, my hubby knows this is another Get Rich Quick Scheme.

No products sold. Just make your own investment first. Then bring in new members (with new investment) and you can start earning your ‘commission’ or ‘bonus’.

The more friends or downlines you have, the more money you will receive.

By logically thinking, how can bringing new friends can bring us money?

They claimed they invest the money collected in high-risk trading.

But, how can their fund managers be so smart, every time making good profit? Hubby doubts it. I doubt it too.

This is really similar to some Get Rich Quick Scheme which existed in Malaysia a few years ago.

Among them is the Genneva Gold Scheme, and another famous one is Swiss Cash.

Be careful with investment scams

Despite much news reported on these investment scams, people still fall into these unauthorized investment schemes. In fact, they are at high risk of losing their hard-earned money.

The sad part is, hubby said, most of those turned up during the sharing session were retirees.

These retirees wish to make some money with their EPF savings, which they had just withdrawn.

I can’t imagine what will happen to their hard-earned money.

Read more: 10 questions to ask before you put your money in the wrong place

photo credit: kaiyanwong223 Eager to get rich – 炒金, 炒銀, 炒股, 炒樓, 普世中國人的價值觀 via photopin (license)

0 thoughts on “Another Get Rich Quick Scheme?”

  1. If you cant name the company, at least you should provide more details so that other people will not fall into the trap. Details like how their plans works, commission gain, bonus gain, rank level, invest in which business etc etc etc.

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